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burning natural “ rewood, the Peterson log set is designed This safety pilot system contains a control certi“ ed by C.S.A. SPK.21 Steel rod control. Add manual safety pilot control to your Peterson Real Fyre propane gas vented log set. Includes a heat shield to protect the valve from the gas logs heat. Low1Important: Read these instructions carefully before starting installation of the burner control system.Robert H. Peterson Co. • 14724 East Proctor Avenue The Peterson Real Fyre burner system is to be installed If the information in this manual is not followed LOW PROFILE SAFETY PILOT SYSTEM. reference. SPK-20 and SPK-21 SAFETY PILOT KIT. WARNING. OWNER'S. MANUAL. ROBERT H. PETERSON CO. valve during any testing of the gas supply system at. OWNER'S MANUAL SAFETY PILOT KITS for PETERSON GAS LOG SETS For Natural or Propane This safety pilot system contains a control INSTALLER & CONSUMER These
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