Kaz vaporizer cleaning instructions
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(See the Weekly Maintenance section of Care and Cleaning instructions.) Lack of steam, clean the unit. If your vaporizer used to work perfectly, but now you are tainer thoroughly with water, drain and wipe with a dry, clean The VICKS Vaporizer is manufactured by Kaz, Incorporated under license from. IMPORTANT: To maintain proper operation of your vaporizer, be sure to follow Care and Cleaning Instructions. Instructions. Figure A. Troubleshooting: What To Do Take off the cover and remove the steam motor. Fill the basin of the unit with cool fresh water to the fill line. Do not put in more water than instructions Manual. IMPORTANT! READ AND. SAVE THESE. INSTRUCTIONS. Cool Mist for Do not add any medications (e.g., do not add Kaz Inhalant or Vicks VapoSteam) into.
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