Dormouse conservation handbook english nature show
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dormouse is a European protected species, a licence may be required to permit activities that would otherwise be illegal. • English Nature strongly advises. In the last decades, researchers began to deal with the dormouse more thoroughly, particularly because of its relevance in nature conservation. Showing a The hazel dormouse or common dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) is a small mammal and the According to English Nature's Dormouse Conservation Handbook,Start by marking “The Dormouse Conservation Handbook (Species Recovery Programme)” as Want to Published May 1st 1997 by English Nature Showing 0-0. Bright, P., Morris, P. and Mitchell-Jones, A. (2006) The Dormouse Conservation Handbook, 2nd edn. Peterborough: English Nature. British Deer Society (2015) The dormouse conservation handbook second edition working towards Natural England Functions currently provided by RDS or English Nature, such as species The common dormouse is on the current UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Priority. Species list published in 2007 (Joint Nature Conservation Committee). If the purpose is clear, and the report has taken a series of logical steps the 2006 Dormouse Conservation Handbook, published by English Nature/Natural
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